Jonathan Jason

New York
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Jonathan Jason is an accomplished Investment Banking Associate with nearly a decade of diverse experience in the financial services industry. Currently, he advises companies in the consumer sector, encompassing beauty, wellness, apparel, technology, and personal goods. His expertise lies in guiding clients through strategic transactions, advising on operating strategy, and mergers and acquisitions.

Jonathan’s journey began at Vanderbilt University, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in 2015. Following graduation, he kickstarted his career at J.P. Morgan, initially in consulting before transitioning to the banking team focused on business management.

With a keen eye for emerging opportunities, Jonathan joined two high-growth, venture-backed startups, honing his operating and financial acumen. Most recently, he served as the Business Operations Manager at Hotel Engine, a $1.3 billion Series B travel tech company backed by Blackstone and Telescope. Prior to Hotel Engine, Jonathan was a Manager in Finance and Strategy at Expert Institute, reporting directly to the CFO.

Throughout his career, Jonathan has demonstrated a remarkable ability to navigate complex financial landscapes, leverage data-driven insights, and deliver tangible results. Beyond his professional endeavors, Jonathan is an avid follower of the startup ecosystem, enjoys the strategic challenges of online multi-table poker tournaments, and actively participates in fantasy football leagues.